

WEBSmith Boxshot

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Soft Idiom

WEBSmith Features

With WEBSmith 3 it is now possible For non-programmers to create powerful, interactive Websites, without coding, or Knowledge of complex web technologies and databases. With WEBSmith you simply drag and drop components to Add the Features you want onto your existing Html pages. With over 450 components to choose from, WEBSmith 3 includes a wealth of essential Tools needed to create an engaging, interactive website. Implement eCommerce, Content Management, News Management, Resource booking, visitor specific Content, timed Content, events, Mailing Lists, site Search and member Management - all with ease. WEBSmith 3 allows site owners to regain Control of their website. Staff, and members, can be given editorial rights to the website Content, Products, navigation, articles, News, events, Resources and vacancies, through a Simple to use Browser interface, controlling who can see what, and when. Member registration and Mailing Lists give you better ways to engage with your customers. Content Management combines with Membership and eCommerce For a complete e-trading Solution not obtainable with stand-alone e-Store Solutions. WEBSmith 3 powered Websites can be hosted with the majority of Isps. There are no additional costs no matter How many Websites you create.

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WEBSmith Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP

